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Why do we stay? 

We own the company, for starters. Our company is 100% employee-owned. When you work for Hoffman & Hoffman, you work for your own success. We stay because of fantastic benefits. We stay because they have opportunities to learn and grow. Many stay because, over time, work friends start to feel like family.

We’re looking for people for our increasingly diverse team who are talented and ready to put hard-earned skills to work for a growing company with leaders who care. We like to think that Louis and Harry would be proud today of how far we’ve come…and how far are planning to go.



"There is always something new to learn and while we keep growing it still has that "family" feel and you don't feel like just another employee or just another number on the payroll. "

Rachel Davidson, Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc.
Rachel Davidson

"It is a place where you are encouraged to make decisions and are trusted to perform the job you were hired to do, also you are encouraged to do the right thing for the customer at all times. Most corporations preach their culture and ethics in every meeting the main difference here is from the top down you see it in everyone's actions. "

Marty Howle, Hoffman Mechanical Solutions, Inc.
Marty Howle (2)

"Hoffman & Hoffman has provided me with a stable career with opportunity for growth. Coming into a well established, well ran, ESOP company has made such a positive impact in my life. The things they do to benefit the community and their employees is above and beyond."

Hallie Richardson, Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc.
Hallie Richardson