3816 Patterson St Greensboro, NC 27407 23
8AM to 5PM - Monday - Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday
We offer 24/7 emergency repair service
A career in HVAC entails a large scope of work and an even larger responsibility to work safely. The nature of an HVAC technician’s job puts them in...
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important diagnostic tool using powerful magnets, radio waves and computers to make detailed pictures of the...
Specifications may sometimes call for damper actuator enclosures rated for weatherproof environments. In some applications, damper actuators provide...
Greenheck is one of our manufacturing partners working with engineers, architects and building owners to ensure that each project fulfills end goals...
Main Office
3816 Patterson St Greensboro, NC 27407
8AM to 5PM – Monday through Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday
We offer 24/7 emergency repair service
Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc., Hoffman Building Technologies, Inc., Hoffman Mechanical Solutions, Inc., and Heat Transfer Sales, LLC, are separate legal entities.